Dr. Arora 2022

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Dr. Arora Story:- 
The plot revolves around Dr. Arora (played by Kumud Mishra), a specialist in treating patients with sex-related issues, also known as Gupt Rog Visheshagya. However, amidst his medical expertise, the central question remains: can he address the pervasive social stigma surrounding important matters like sexual health?

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Release Date22 July 2022
GenreComedy, Drama
Episodes 16
CreatorImtiaz Ali
CastKumud Mishra, Gaurav Parajuli, Vivek Mushran, Ajitesh Gupta, Vidya Malvade, Sandeepa Dhar, Shekhar Suman
DirectorSajid Ali, Archit Kumar
WriterSajid Ali, Arif Ali
CinematographyRajesh Shukla
MusicAnand Bhaskar, Ajay Jayanthi
ProducerMohit Choudhary, Srusti Jain
ProductionWindow Seat Films


We’ve all come across the posters and ads plastered on walls, urging individuals to contact a certain number to address “gupt rog” (secret diseases). This common sight reflects the prevalent taboo associated with sexual problems in Indian society. Enter Dr. Arora’s sex clinic, where a range of issues from erectile dysfunction to sexually transmitted infections are tackled. Without making viewers uncomfortable, the series sheds light on these concerns and delves deeper into the issue of toxic masculinity, rather than just focusing on the sexual aspect.

Created by Imtiaz Ali, the eight-part series presents a heartfelt narrative centered around Dr. Arora’s journey, intertwined with his train travels across small towns like Morena, Sawai Madhopur, Jhansi, and Agra. The rustic charm of these locales adds depth to the story, while the soulful music enhances the drama.

The premise is both intriguing and pertinent, highlighting the persistent taboo surrounding sex in India. Fortunately, the series handles this sensitive topic with maturity, avoiding cheap humor and innuendos. However, some conversations may make viewers uncomfortable if watched with family.

In his personal life, Dr. Arora harbors feelings for his ex-wife Vaishali, who left him due to his perceived inability to satisfy her sexually. This motivates him to establish the sex clinic and assist those in need. While the emotional depth adds richness to the story, the frequent shifts between past and present sometimes disrupt the pacing, culminating in a somewhat disappointing conclusion to their love story.

Kumud Mishra shines in the role of Dr. Arora, portraying a blend of strength and vulnerability with finesse. Vidya Malavade delivers a stunning performance as Vaishali, while Aditya Pandey and Siya Mahajan convincingly portray the younger versions of the couple.

The supporting cast, including Gaurav Parajuli, Raj Arjun, Ajitesh Gupta, Sandeepa Dhar, and others, contribute to the narrative with their engaging performances. However, the subplot involving political intrigue adds complexity to the story, making it feel cluttered and convoluted at times.

Overall, “Dr. Arora Gupt Rog Visheshagya,” directed by Sajid Ali and Archit Kumar, raises important awareness about the stigma surrounding sexual health in India. While it may not be suitable for casual dinner-table discussions, the series contributes to the ongoing conversation about sexual wellness in society. Despite its busy narrative and uneven plot, it succeeds in highlighting the need for social change in this regard.


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