Tokyo Swindlers (AppleTv) Story :-
Harrison Yamanaka (Toyokawa) heads a team of con artists who specialize in document forgery to deceive land developers. Partnering with fellow scammer Takumi Tsujimoto (Ayano), they set their sights on executing their most ambitious scam yet: a real estate deal valued at 10 billion yen. As their scheme unfolds, unforeseen complications arise, unraveling hidden truths and revealing the darkest secrets of everyone involved. This gripping tale is based on Ko Shinjo’s novel of the same name.

Tokyo Swindlers (AppleTv) Release Date, Trailor, Songs, Cast :-
Release Date | 25 July 2024 |
Language | Japanese |
Genre | Crime, Drama, Thriller |
Cast | Jolene Kim, Gô Ayano, Etsushi Toyokawa, Kazuki Kitamura, Eiko Koike, Esther K. Chae |
Director | Hitoshi Ône |
Writer | Hitoshi Ône |
Production | Booster Project, Nikkatsu |
Certificate | 16+ |
Tokyo Swindlers (AppleTv) Review :-
Tokyo Swindlers (Season 1) Episode 1 Recap:
“Tokyo Swindlers” kicks off with Harrison Yamanaka amidst a secluded forest, accompanied by an Englishman who queries his occupation. Harrison, fluent in Japanese, casually responds, “Land swindler.” Nearby, a bear attacks another man, prompting Harrison to ready his rifle. As the bear charges, Harrison swiftly dispatches it, exhilarated by the encounter.
Back in Japan, Harrison engages with Takumi Tsujimoto, a victim of land swindling, proposing they join forces in the trade to inflict misery upon others.
Set against the backdrop of post-war Japan, the rise of land swindling emerges prominently. Despite governmental efforts to curb these practices, they resurge in the late 1980s and early 1990s amidst soaring real estate values. Advances in digital technology briefly stymie the frauds, yet opportunities resurface, notably during Japan’s Olympic Games.
Is Harrison back committing Land Swindling?
In 2017, police discovered a building owner’s skeleton inside the house. Officers Shimomura Tatsu and Okubo were assigned to the case but found insufficient evidence to classify it as a criminal activity. Consequently, the case was dismissed.
Harrison now leads a specialized team dedicated to land swindling. Reiko is responsible for prepping an imposter, Sasaki, to impersonate the actual owner and interact with buyers. Sasaki adopts a new identity, Shimazaki Kenichi.
The elderly, isolated man with no relatives becomes an easy target for the swindlers. Goto acts as the broker, negotiating with the buyer. Before the meeting, Takumi presents Harrison with forged and duplicate documents for approval, and Harrison provides Takumi with something for safety. Meanwhile, Okubo and Shimomura investigate Harrison’s profile, suspecting his return to illicit activities. Harrison, previously imprisoned for five years, had kept a low profile since his release.
To ensure the scam’s success, Goto selected a new company, Mike Homes, which made it easier to deceive. Goto negotiated aggressively, creating the impression that the property was in high demand from other prominent companies. Desperate, the buyer offered 1 billion yen on the condition of meeting Shimazaki Kenichi in person, to which Goto agreed. To avoid detection, Harrison’s team brought Shimazaki only on the final day. Ishiguro from Mike Homes thoroughly reviewed the documents before proceeding.
A potential obstacle arose when Ishiguro asked about Shimazaki Kenichi’s favorite supermarket near his property. Fortunately, Takumi was prepared. He created a distraction and discreetly inserted a hearing piece into Shimazaki’s ear, allowing Harrison to feed the answers for Shimazaki to repeat. Once the payment was secured, Harrison’s team planned to leave.
As anticipated, Mike Homes suffered a loss and received a notice from the authorities declaring the transaction fraudulent. Ambitious and greedy, Harrison sought more significant projects. Takeshita, the informer, suggested a new target: a plot next to Kouan-ji temple, owned by a nun who had long refused to sell. Despite this, the team prepared to execute the scam. Meanwhile, Sasaki was killed, and Harrison relished watching a clip of the murder. Ultimately, Harrison warned Takumi to be cautious with the other team members, while Takumi surveyed the property.

Tokyo Swindlers (Season 1) Episode 2 Recap:
The episode opens with authorities discovering that the seal on the application papers submitted by Mike Homes is fake. They send a notice to Mike Homes, leaving Maki, the owner, frantic. At the police station, Tatsu is assigned a new partner, Kuramochi, who is eager to learn from him. Upon hearing about the Mike Homes case, Tatsu, along with Okabu and Kuramochi, visits Maki at his office. There, Maki loses all hope when informed that he might not recover his billion yen. While the police have identified Goto and Harrison, they know they can’t take action until they apprehend the entire team.
What do the swindlers know about the buildings near Kouan-ji temple?
Meanwhile, everyone is on vacation, and Harrison and Takumi spend their time hunting. At night, Takumi reflects on the traumatic memory of his father setting fire to their house, killing Takumi’s entire family. After the vacation, the team gathers to prepare for selling the new property. The temple, built during the Edo period, is owned by Natsumi Kawai, a resident nun who lives alone on the premises. There is also a rehab center on the land, previously owned by Kawai’s ex-husband, who eloped with one of the inmates when the government uncovered the facility’s illicit activities. The main challenge is that Kawai spends all her time on the property, making it difficult to sell.
Takumi devises a plan to stake out the temple to find a loophole that could facilitate their scheme. However, Takeshita demands more money from Harrison in exchange for information about the property and Kawai. Meanwhile, the real estate company Sekiyo House faces difficulties in closing a deal, putting pressure on Aoyagi to resolve the issue. Simultaneously, Tatsu and Kuramochi find a lead on Takumi while investigating his previous residence.
What does Takumi learn about Kawai?
As planned, Takumi monitors Kawai for a week, witnessing nothing out of the ordinary except for one night when she leaves the premises in a taxi, dressed in modern attire. Meanwhile, Takeshita obtains Kawai and the temple’s bank statements, discovering that Kawai receives consistent monthly payments. In a flashback, we learn that Takumi used to drive escort girls. One day, he meets Harrison, who nearly killed one of the escorts. Impressed by Takumi’s ability to revive the girl, Harrison gives him his card, offering help if Takumi ever needs it.
Elsewhere, Aoyagi seeks assistance from shady brokers, but the process proves unsuccessful. Frustrated, Aoyagi stops near a parking lot to take a leak and notices the land. With Kawai now off the premises, Takumi follows her to a hotel. Unable to see what’s happening in her room, he contacts an associate to gain access by bypassing hotel security. Once inside, Takumi hears Kawai in the adjacent room, engaging in sexual activities with multiple men.

Tokyo Swindlers (Season 1) Episode 3 Recap:
The episode begins with Aoyagi, the Head of the Real Estate Development Division, leading his colleagues to the parking lot and instructing them to gather more information about Kawai. Meanwhile, inside the temple, Kawai chants, her mind drifting to the night she had sex with multiple men.
During Takumi’s time at the hotel, he discreetly planted a camera on the room service trolley. Now, the team is reviewing the footage of Kawai’s activities that night. Through the video, Takumi discovers that Kawai had made Kaeda the number one host, presenting an opportunity to use him to get to her.
As their plans progress, Takeshita becomes problematic, demanding a larger cut from Harrison while under the influence of meth. When Goto intervenes, Takeshita leaves in anger. Goto then informs Harrison about Sekiyo House, and Harrison decides to ensure they become the buyers.
How does Takumi enter Kaeda’s inner circle?
To set the plan in motion, Takumi uses prosthetic makeup to create fake burn marks on his cheek. He gets a job at a club by telling Kaeda he admires him, so Kaeda assigns him tasks away from the customers. Meanwhile, Tatsu visits Takumi’s father in prison, who survived the fire he started and blames Takumi for fraud. Kuramochi believes Takumi turned to land swindling as revenge for what happened to his family.

Tokyo Swindlers (Season 1) Episode 4 Recap:
The episode continues with Takumi and Oruchi holding Kaeda at the rooftop’s edge, forcing him to agree to their demands. After filming a video of Kaeda’s coerced compliance, Takumi informs Harrison that they can now remove Kawai from the temple at any time using the footage as leverage. Harrison, meanwhile, is unconcerned about Takeshita, believing his involvement is nearing its end.
Following the deal with Abiru, Aoyagi receives information about the impending sale of Kawai’s property, and his team promptly contacts Abiru Holdings. Concurrently, Reiko is making strides in finding an imposter to replace Kawai.
What happens during the meeting with Aoyagi?
Aoyagi successfully sets a date to meet with the buyer and prepares for the meeting. Meanwhile, Harrison, Goto, and Takumi are pleased to use Taniguchi Yoshie as the imposter, with Reiko working to persuade her to accept the deal. Given that Taniguchi’s son is in the hospital and in desperate need of money, they believe she will likely agree.
Initially, when Reiko offers the imposter job to Taniguchi, she refuses to engage in anything illegal. However, Reiko gives her some money and asks her to think it over. On the day of the meeting, Takumi negotiates a deal for 11.2 billion yen. Aoyagi insists on a condition that Kawai must meet them and show the team around the property. Takumi agrees but stipulates that this will only happen after they receive their company’s internal approval. Both parties agree to these terms.
What happens to Tatsu?
Meanwhile, Tatsu and Kuramochi are making headway in their investigation into the land swindlers. Kuramochi discovers Abiru Holdings online, suspecting it to be the location of the next deal. To catch Takumi, Kuramochi visits Takumi’s father in prison and learns about a cherished family memory from a vacation. With the anniversary of Takumi’s family’s death approaching, Kuramochi hopes to find Takumi at their graves. Tatsu decides to investigate Abiru Holdings and waits at a nearby coffee shop.
While Tatsu waits, Takumi and Goto arrive. Goto tells Takumi that this will be his final job, suspecting Harrison has hired people to kill Hayashi and Sasaki. After Takumi and Goto leave, Tatsu receives a call from Harrison, congratulating him on his progress. After the call ends, men kidnap Tatsu and bring him to an under-construction building where Harrison awaits.
At the building, Tatsu faces Harrison, while Kuramochi finds Takumi’s family graves. Tatsu assumes Harrison will kill him, but instead, Harrison forces Tatsu to consider suicide, presenting a prepared note. Harrison gives Tatsu two choices: jump and save his family or live and endanger them. Tatsu struggles to decide and asks if Haba from the police force is Harrison’s informant, which Harrison confirms. To make it easier, Harrison pushes Tatsu off the building, killing him. As Tatsu falls, Kuramochi calls him, but Harrison answers and then drops the phone.

Tokyo Swindlers (Season 1) Episode 5 Recap:
The episode opens with Tatsu’s funeral. Haba asks Kuramochi for a report on the investigation she was working on with Tatsu. However, Kuramochi suspects Tatsu’s death was a murder orchestrated by Harrison. Haba dismisses this idea and refuses to give Kuramochi access to Tatsu’s phone call logs. Meanwhile, Taniguchi has agreed to play the imposter, and Reiko is training her for the role. Takeshita is also present at the meeting, where Harrison agrees to give him a larger share. In return, Takeshita must launder money instead of merely serving as an informant.
Will Aoyagi get the company’s approval?
At Sekiyo House, Aoyagi gives a presentation about a new property, pushing for quick approvals to close the deal before competitors can intervene. However, Aoyagi’s rival, Sunaga, suspects the deal might be a fraud, mainly because Aoyagi hasn’t met Kawai. Despite Sunaga’s concerns, Aoyagi is confident and seeks the director’s approval. The next challenge is getting Kawai out of the temple. Kaeda concocts a fake story to convince Kawai to take a trip to Okinawa on the day of the meeting.
As the plan progresses, Kuramochi meets Tatsu’s wife, who also believes Tatsu didn’t commit suicide. She provides Kuramochi with the contact information for Masashi Kubota, a man Tatsu met during an investigation and wanted to be contacted after his death. Meanwhile, Harrison is keen to uncover Takumi’s true motives for becoming a land swindler. Back at Sekiyo House, Aoyagi struggles to get the approval of two directors, but his boss steps in to help and secures the approval, then informs Goto. Amidst the good news, Aoyagi also receives a suspicious piece of mail.
Will Kuramochi confront Takumi?
As Tatsu wished, Kuramochi meets Kubota, a former tabloid journalist turned informer. Kubota, saved by Tatsu during a past incident, is now investigating Tatsu’s death for free as a funeral gift. He has already deduced that Tatsu was likely forced to kill himself. After a week of surveillance on Abiru Holdings, Kuramochi decides to take action. Kubota discovers that Saeki Kazuma, the man who scammed Takumi’s family, has fled to Manila.
There is a possibility of finding clues about Tatsu’s murder in Manila. The next day, on the anniversary of his wife and son’s deaths, Takumi visits their graves. Kuramochi approaches him and, without introductions, questions him about the Ebisu swindling case. Takumi feigns ignorance, but Kuramochi insists she knows he is a land swindler.

Tokyo Swindlers (Season 1) Episode 6 Recap:
The episode continues with Kuramochi trying to convince Takumi to surrender so that no one else suffers like his family did. However, Takumi refuses to listen and drives away. Before he leaves, Kuramochi discreetly places a tracking device on Takumi’s car.
At a meeting with Harrison, Reiko delivers bad news: Taniguchi has backed out of being an imposter because her son died that morning. In anger, Goto suggests that Reiko should become the imposter. Harrison takes the suggestion seriously, noting that Reiko’s eyes resemble Taniguchi’s enough to pull off the deception. The next day, Reiko shaves her head and prepares for the meeting, while Takumi asks additional questions to ensure their plan’s safety.
What happens to Takeshita?
Meanwhile, in Okinawa, Kaeda and Kawai arrive at the airport. Takeshita meets them, claiming he has something ordered from Tokyo for Kaeda. In a washroom, Takeshita kills Kaeda and forces Kawai to return to Tokyo. However, Takeshita is caught by men who were watching Kaeda and taken to an abandoned hotel.
Takumi and the team become anxious, worried that Kawai might return to the temple during the crucial meeting. Harrison instructs Takumi to improvise and finalize the deal. At the abandoned hotel, Takeshita, already bleeding from being beaten by Harrison’s men, knows Harrison plans to kill him. Takeshita decides to betray the team, calling Harrison a sick pervert who enjoys watching people die. Harrison then kills Takeshita and blows up the hotel to cover his tracks.
Will Reiko pass the identity confirmation test?
Despite the hurdles, Takumi, Reiko, and Goto meet with Aoyagi and his team, initiating the identity verification process. During the meeting, Takumi receives a call from Oruchi, who seeks permission to kidnap Kawai from the airport. However, Oruchi fails and continues to follow her instead. Reiko handles the anticipated questions well, but she stumbles when asked about the temple’s inauguration. Takumi steps in to assist, and the meeting concludes.
Unfortunately, Oruchi’s vehicle is involved in an accident while trailing Kawai. Meanwhile, the team gathers in the parking lot, where they brief Reiko on the building plans for the land plot. Takumi grows increasingly anxious as Kawai could arrive at the temple at any moment. After placing a tracker on Takumi’s vehicle, Kuramochi arrives at the location but receives unexpected news from Kubota.
Tokyo Swindlers (AppleTv) Trailor :-
Tokyo Swindlers (Season 1) Episode 7 Recap:
The episode opens with an injured Oruchi attempting to escape the overturned taxi. At the temple, Reiko welcomes Aoyagi and his team, showing them around. Takumi tells Goto to hurry the inspection before Kawai arrives. As Reiko leads the men into the temple’s main hall, a taxi’s arrival alarms Takumi and Goto. Fortunately, an elderly couple exits the cab, easing their worries. Inside, Aoyagi hands Reiko a note from Kawai claiming the deal is a scam and demands confirmation.
Goto loses his temper, but Aoyagi insists on verification due to the substantial money involved. Reiko, well-prepared by Takumi, starts crying and shows Aoyagi and his men the five main Buddha statues in a private room, convincing them of her sincerity. Aoyagi buys into the act and leaves. As another taxi arrives, Takumi and Goto quickly close the temple gates. Reiko rushes to shut the main door once Kawai is inside. With everything appearing normal, the swindlers make their escape.
What does Kuramochi tell Takumi?
A few days later, Aoyagi signs the deal, and the money is transferred. As usual, Harrison takes charge of laundering it. During their conversation, Takumi realizes that Takeshita is dead and had betrayed the team. That night, Kuramochi visits Takumi at his house and shares what she learned from Kubota. She reveals that Kazuma Saeki and Harrison had been working together. After the incident with Takumi’s family, Kazuma and Harrison had a falling out over money, leading Harrison to attempt to kill Kazuma. This forced Kazuma to flee and go into hiding. Kuramochi also reveals that Harrison had known Takumi’s identity from the beginning, meaning Takumi had been unknowingly working with the man responsible for his family’s downfall. Before leaving, Kuramochi asks Takumi to call her when he’s ready to talk.
What happens to Aoyagi?
After signing the deal, Aoyagi celebrates with his team, anticipating a promotion. Meanwhile, Kawai is back at the temple, trying to pray despite the noise from construction workers outside. At Sekiyo House, Aoyagi is giving a presentation when he is interrupted with news about an application and police presence at the property. Alarmed, Aoyagi rushes to the temple and realizes he has been scammed. Distraught, he wanders onto the road and is hit by a truck. It is no accident—Harrison had ordered Aoyagi’s murder.

Tokyo Swindlers (Season 1 Finale) Ending Explained: Will Takumi get his revenge?
After considering his options, Takumi meets Harrison at their usual spot to talk. During their conversation, Harrison mentions that Goto and Reiko will face consequences for quitting on him. Eventually, Takumi shows a picture of Harrison and Kazuma together. Harrison tries to defend himself, claiming he initially didn’t know who Takumi was but later thought Takumi was destined to be a swindler. These excuses fail to calm Takumi, who points a gun at Harrison, ready to shoot. However, Harrison is prepared, and Oruchi attacks Takumi from behind, injuring him. Harrison then shoots Oruchi, and a fight ensues between Takumi and Harrison.
While Takumi lies on the floor, bleeding from his injury, Kuramochi arrives but hesitates to shoot Harrison. Taking advantage of this, Harrison throws a grenade and escapes. The explosion leaves both Takumi and Kuramochi unconscious. A few days later, Takumi, now in the hospital, confesses to everything. Kuramochi tells him that his actions were not just a job—he is a criminal. Meanwhile, Harrison has fled Japan and is hunting in snowy mountains.
Ultimately, the mastermind behind the land swindlers is not behind bars but enjoying his life hunting animals. After maintaining a low profile, Harrison may return to continue his land swindling and murderous activities, as they excite him. Takumi confesses his crimes, admitting he became a swindler out of a desire for revenge. The series does not clarify who sent the letter from Kawai to Aoyagi, but it is assumed to be Takeshita, who was desperate to prevent the deal from going through. In the end, Reiko shows some character by helping a woman financially after her son passed away, without making any demands in return.
Tokyo Swindlers (Season 1) Review:
“Tokyo Swindlers” is a compelling crime series centered around scams. Despite the abundance of shows and films on this theme, “Tokyo Swindlers” stands out due to its well-defined characters and cohesive plot. The writing, particularly for Harrison’s character, effectively sets the tone for the series. From the very first episode, the key characters are introduced brilliantly, with a strong focus on the swindlers’ operations.
The series offers an intriguing perspective by showcasing the different viewpoints of the characters, especially the victims. It highlights the various reasons one can fall prey to a scam. For instance, one company succumbs to the pressure of proving itself against larger corporations, while another falls victim due to the desire for power and promotion within a large establishment. These scenarios illustrate how corporate pressure can lead to hasty, ill-advised decisions. The cast delivers outstanding performances, fully embodying their respective roles. Additionally, the subplot exploring Takumi’s life adds depth to the series, ensuring that nothing feels exaggerated or out of place.