In the latest episode of MTV Splitsvilla X5, the center of attention shifted to the tumultuous dynamic between Aniket Lama and Deekila Sherpa, former flames whose argument sparked speculation about their future performances together.

MTV Splitsvilla X5 has sparked excitement among its audience with its latest season. The show has already witnessed the formation of two ideal matches: Harsh Arora and Rushali Yadav, as well as Akriti Negi and Jashwant Bopanna. Unfortunately, three contestants—Nidhi Goyal, Rahul Dayma, and Niharika Porwal—have been eliminated from the show.
In the recent episode, an intriguing task was conducted to evaluate the couples’ connection, involving blindfolds. As anticipation builds for the upcoming episodes, tensions escalate between Aniket Lama and Deekila Sherpa as they confront each other regarding the events that transpired during the challenge.
Former flames Aniket Lama and Deekila Sherpa found themselves in another altercation during the task. When asked about her partner choice for the task, Deekila expressed her preference to team up with Sachin Sharma, citing her prior commitment to him. This decision raised questions, considering her connection with Aniket Lama. Due to the lack of clarity, Deekila and Aniket were disqualified from the challenge, preventing them from participating.
Aniket and Deekila’s discussion regarding this incident will unfold in the forthcoming episodes. Aniket urges Deekila to choose her partner based on genuine feelings rather than forming alliances solely for the game. This disagreement leads to a heated argument between them, with Aniket eventually walking away from the conversation, leaving Deekila feeling disrespected.
Following their victory in the “Test Your Sense” challenge, four couples—Arbaz-Nayera, Siwet-Anicka, Divyansh-Dewangini, and Adit-Khanak—are rewarded with a date. The ideal matches were given the opportunity to eliminate one couple from the dating competition, and both unanimously chose Digvijay-Unnati.
As the episode draws to a close, Digvijay and Unnati are granted the power to send one ideal match to The Love Den for a special date. After careful consideration, Unnati and Digvijay choose Harsh and Rushali, leaving Akriti and Jashwant disappointed, especially since they had saved Digvijay from elimination in the previous episode.
Disappointed by Digvijay’s choice, Jashwant expressed that Harsh and Rushali had also aimed to eliminate him (Digvijay) from the dating race. However, Digvijay sought retribution against Jashwant simply because Jashwant announced the unanimous decision. Digvijay questioned Harsh about any issues between them, and Harsh subtly conveyed his aversion towards him.
In the upcoming episodes, Digvijay and Unnati will engage in discussions with Akreti and Jashwant, explaining their reasoning behind sending Harsh-Rushali to The Lover’s Den. However, Akreti informs Digvijay that they won’t extend any favors to him in the future.
In the upcoming challenge, the four victorious couples are tasked with selecting Splitsvillans to assist them. While Siwet’s close friend Addy anticipated being chosen, Siwet surprises everyone by selecting his rival Digvijay Rathee as his partner. This decision leaves Addy feeling betrayed, as he believed he had invested more in his relationship with Siwet.
In the forthcoming episodes, romance will intensify for couples who went on dates, as well as between the ideal match Harsh and Rushali.