Malaika Arora has candidly discussed the scrutiny she faces and revealed that she has forged a career despite enduring criticism and trolling for her decisions, no matter what they may be.

Throughout her life, Malaika Arora has remained unfazed by public opinion, steadfastly pursuing her passion to entertain her fans. The 50-year-old recently shared her resilience to online criticism, acknowledging that she has thrived in an environment where she’s been regularly criticized, yet has never let it deter her.
Malaika Arora on silencing out all noise around her
In a recent interview with HT, the iconic “Chaiyya Chaiyya” girl expressed her belief that everyone works diligently to build their brand, eschewing shortcuts. Reflecting on her own journey, she remarked, “Throughout my career, I’ve faced criticism and trolling for my choices, my persona, my attire, essentially everything. It’s been a constant aspect of my professional life, which is why I’ve developed a strong immunity to it.”
Malaika Arora, seldom engages with trolls. However, when her loved ones come under fire, she doesn’t hesitate to respond. She explained, “In such instances, I feel compelled to speak up; otherwise, I prefer not to waste my time, energy, or sanity. I have other priorities to focus on.”
Despite her unapologetic stance, the “Kaante” actress emphasized that she doesn’t feel obligated to justify her actions to anyone, be it in her personal or professional life. While she maintains her silence, Malaika cautioned against interpreting it as acquiescence. She asserted, “I choose silence deliberately to preserve my peace. I’m content with this approach, as it helps me maintain my integrity and sanity.”
Malaika Arora shares that she judges those people back who judge her
The actress from “EMI” reveals that she does glance through her own comments and observes the content written about her. Malaika admitted, “I do assess them genuinely because I often wonder, ‘Don’t they have anything more worthwhile to do?’ It truly surprises me how these individuals manage to invest so much time and effort scrolling through comment after comment, believing that this defines life.”
Malaika further expressed her perspective that while some individuals may appreciate you, others may not, and that’s simply the reality. She believes in staying true to oneself at the end of the day, acknowledging that it’s impossible to please everyone. She stated, “Whether you approve or disapprove, it doesn’t concern me. I will dress and present myself according to my preferences. I’m content and proud of who I am.”
Arora emphasized her self-awareness and conscientious nature, asserting that she knows what suits her best and what doesn’t, making third-party advice unnecessary.
Malaika Arora on being aware of age-appropriate styling
Acknowledging that everyone encounters societal pressure to appear ‘age-appropriate’ at some stage, individuals must also cultivate comfort in their own skin and recognize what flatters their body. Malaika concluded, “I’m quite familiar with my body. I’m well aware of the areas I’m not entirely comfortable with, so I choose clothing that conceals them.”