DOM Season 1 Story :-
Directed by Breno Silveira and Vicente Kubrusly, the eight-episode Brazilian series revolves around a father who never gives up on his son, despite his struggle with drug addiction. The protagonist, Pedro (played by Gabriel Leone), is a handsome boy from Rio de Janeiro’s middle class who is introduced to cocaine in his teenage years, leading him to become the leader of a criminal gang that made headlines in Rio De Janeiro in the early 2000s. His father, Victor Dantas (played by Flávio Tolezani), is an undercover policeman who has dedicated his life to fighting the drug mafia in his city. However, Victor’s life takes a drastic turn when his own son becomes addicted to drugs at a young age.
Movie Ratings
Release Date | 4 June 2021 |
Language | Portuguese |
Genre | Action, Crime |
Episodes | 8 |
Cast | Gabriel Leone, Flávio Tolezani, Filipe Bragança, Raquel Villar, Mariana Cerrone, Digão Ribeiro, Laila Garin |
Director | Vicente Kubrusly, Breno Silveira |
Writer | Higia Ikeda, Fábio Mendes, Carolina Neves, Marcelo Vindicato |
Cinematography | Adrian Teijido |
Producer | Ramona Bakker, Renata Brandão, Breno Silveira |
Production | Amazon Studios, Conspiração Filmes |
Certificate | 16+ |
The series opens with a scene showing Pedro high on drugs at a funk party in a favela, a dangerous shantytown on the outskirts of the city known for violence and drug trafficking. Concerned for his son’s well-being, Victor ventures into the favela to find him, but Pedro proves to be a rebellious and difficult teenager to handle.
Pedro is depicted throughout the series as an adrenaline junkie and playboy with blond hair and blue eyes, who enjoys taking risks and engaging in dangerous activities. His propensity for risk-taking developed during his childhood, where he spent much of his time with his friend Lico, bonding over drugs. As an adult, Pedro and Lico continue to spend time together, eventually leading to Pedro leading a gang of housebreakers who target wealthy individuals.
While the series explores themes of drug addiction and criminality, it also delves into the complex relationship between Pedro and Victor. Despite their frequent arguments and conflicts, it becomes clear that their disputes stem from a place of love amidst turmoil.
Based on a true story, the series provides insight into the world of drugs while also examining familial conflicts and the pain caused by Pedro’s addiction. Despite multiple attempts to get clean, Pedro struggles to break free from cocaine and toxic influences. In one episode, he writes a letter to Victor expressing regret for not being able to love and respect his father in the way a normal son would.
The series skillfully intertwines the past and present, juxtaposing Pedro’s descent into addiction with Victor’s evolution from a teenage diver to an undercover agent fighting drug mafias. The parallel narrative structure highlights the contrasting paths taken by father and son, shaped by their own choices and the role of favelas in their lives.
The series features strong performances from Leone and Tolezani, who effectively convey the emotional turmoil experienced by their characters. Tolezani, in particular, portrays the frustration and helplessness of a parent witnessing their child’s self-destructive behavior.
Drawing inspiration from real events, the series offers a compelling blend of action, suspense, and family drama, making it a worthwhile watch for those interested in immersive storytelling.